Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Episode 46 Review - A Frustrating Misstep in the Shibuya Incident Arc

This critical review dissects the latest episode of Jujutsu Kaisen, specifically focusing on the ongoing Shibuya Incident Arc. The reviewer expresses dissatisfaction with the handling of certain characters and plotlines, particularly emphasizing concerns about the show's direction.

Character Arcs and Missed Opportunities

The review begins by discussing the use of Miwa, a side character with potential for emotional depth. Miwa's trajectory is outlined, from the discovery of MechaMaru's feelings to her active involvement in the Shibuya incident. However, the reviewer criticizes the episode for building anticipation around Miwa's confrontation with Brain Monster Getou, only to render her contribution irrelevant and inconsequential.

Plot Developments and Lack of Emotional Stakes

The review delves into the overarching issues of the Shibuya Incident Arc, pointing out the lack of emotional stakes and meaningful character development. The reviewer questions the purpose of including Miwa in the episode and the season, highlighting the disconnect between the setup and the actual contribution of certain characters to the ongoing plot.

Unfulfilled Storylines and Incoherent Spectacle

The frustrations extend to the broader narrative, with the reviewer questioning the significance of various plot elements and character arcs. The Shibuya Incident Arc is criticized for prioritizing incoherent spectacle over meaningful storytelling, leading to a sense of exhaustion and burnout among viewers.

A Shift in Tone and Quality

The review laments a perceived decline in the quality of Jujutsu Kaisen, contrasting it with the earlier arcs that exhibited mood, heart, and humor. The reviewer expresses doubt about whether the current storylines are carefully planned or if they feel like half-formed improvisations lacking the earlier coolness and effortless style.

Closing Thoughts and a Note on Spectacle

In conclusion, the reviewer shares disappointment with the direction of Jujutsu Kaisen, questioning the depth of planning and care invested in the current narrative. Despite acknowledging some impressive visual elements, the overall sentiment is one of exhaustion with the series.

The review adds a half-star for the visually striking moment of turning Mahito into a Junji Ito Spiral, providing a brief positive note amid the broader critique.

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