"Space Brothers" Anime Set to Continue: A Cosmic Journey Beyond the Manga's Conclusion

In a recent revelation on the popular show Odoru! Sanma Goten, manga creator Chūya Koyama shared exciting news for fans of the Space Brothers (Uchū Kyōdai) series. The beloved anime adaptation is poised to continue its interstellar journey even after the manga reaches its anticipated conclusion. Koyama's announcement adds a new dimension to the Space Brothers universe, promising more cosmic adventures for fans worldwide.

The Background Story

During the Odoru! Sanma Goten show, Koyama shed light on the reasons behind the decision to extend the anime adaptation beyond the manga's conclusion. He explained that the original anime adaptation had closely followed the manga's storyline, eventually catching up with the ongoing manga series. To avoid a hiatus and maintain the momentum of the animated narrative, the decision was made to continue the anime independently of the manga's progression.

The Final Arc of "Space Brothers" Manga

Koyama had previously hinted at the conclusion of the Space Brothers manga in January 2022, revealing plans to embark on the final arc later that year. As of December 2022, the manga had entered its conclusive stage, with Koyama confirming that the ending was imminent. This impending finale has undoubtedly left fans eager to see how the narrative wraps up and what cosmic surprises lie in store for the characters.

A Legacy of Adaptations

The Space Brothers manga, which made its debut in Morning magazine in 2007, has left an indelible mark on fans, garnering acclaim and prestigious awards. The manga's success paved the way for a 2012-2014 television anime series that captivated audiences with its heartfelt storytelling. Notably, a live-action film in 2012, featuring Shun Oguri and Masaki Okada, brought the cosmic tale to the big screen. The 29th manga volume even included a special edition DVD of the Space Brothers #0 anime film, delving into the series' origin story with scripts written by Koyama himself.


As Space Brothers continues to soar to new heights, the news of the anime's planned continuation brings joy and anticipation to fans around the globe. Chūya Koyama's commitment to delivering a captivating narrative, both in manga and anime form, ensures that the Space Brothers legacy will endure beyond the pages of the manga. As we await the conclusion of the manga and the continuation of the anime, the Space Brothers universe promises to be an enduring source of inspiration and wonder for fans of this cosmic adventure.

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