In an outstanding feat, the "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM" anime film has triumphed at the box office, selling over 1.12 million tickets and earning a staggering 1.8 billion yen (approximately US$12.13 million) within the initial nine days of its theatrical run. This remarkable accomplishment was announced during a stage greeting event featuring director Mitsuo Fukuda and cast members at Tokyo's Shinjuku Piccadilly theater on Sunday.
Box Office Triumph:
The film's triumphant performance commenced with an impressive opening, selling 634,182 tickets and generating 1,065,983,130 yen (around US$7.20 million) in its first three days. This remarkable achievement secured the film's place as the highest-grossing Gundam franchise entry during its opening weekend and marked it as the top-grossing film in Japan for the current year.
Record-Breaking Opening Weekend:
The success of "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM" extended to its opening weekend, where it not only claimed the record for the highest three-day earnings in the Gundam franchise but also stood as the highest-grossing film in Japan for the initial weekend of the year.
Global Screening Plans:
With its phenomenal success in Japan, the film is set to expand its reach, planning screenings in 56 countries and territories. The anticipation and excitement surrounding the Gundam franchise continue to grow on a global scale.
Comparisons and Previous Records:
The film's achievements are particularly noteworthy when compared to its predecessor, "Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway," which held the franchise's previous opening weekend record. The resounding success of "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM" solidifies its position as a standout entry in the storied Gundam film legacy.
As "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed FREEDOM" continues to captivate audiences with its gripping narrative, spectacular visuals, and iconic mecha battles, its unprecedented box office performance stands as a testament to the enduring popularity and impact of the Gundam franchise. With its global screenings on the horizon, fans around the world eagerly await the opportunity to experience this monumental addition to the Gundam universe.